Dr. Mohammed Belaoo offers courses in the jurisprudence of minorities in South America

In December 2023, as part of the activities of IMAM Foundation's visit to South America, the foundation organised training courses on minority jurisprudence for Imams in many Latin American countries. The courses were delivered by Dr. Muhammad Ali Belaoo, who shed light on the definition of minority jurisprudence and the history of the term, as well as the common principles of minority jurisprudence with others, mentioning several principles such as: the Holy Quran, the Sunnah, analogy, consensus, and others. He then detailed the methodological rules of minority jurisprudence, mentioning some jurisprudential applications such as: combining Maghrib and Isha prayers in the absence of the Sharii sign, and buying houses with usurious loans, and others. Dr Belaoo also presented another course on the jurisprudential balance for the reality of minorities, and detailed the issue of changing the Fatwa according to the change of time and place, and cited some contemporary jurisprudential applications.

Dr. Belaoo then spoke about considering the consequences in the Fatwa, and mentioned many evidences and testimonies, both old and contemporary, on this principle.

It is worth mentioning that IMAM Foundation held several training courses for imams in South America, which lasted for several days, and in different countries, as part of its training program for Imams.