Visits and cooperation agreements between Imam and Thai institutions

Imam Training and Development conducted a series of friendly visits to several active institutions in Thailand, including: 

The Sheikhdom of Islamic Affairs, where His Eminence the Professor headed the Foundation’s delegation, and was received by His Eminence the Mufti: Haji Zakaria (Sheikh of Islam in Thailand). After the reception and welcome ceremonies, the two sides discussed ways of cooperation in training and developing imams, and the two parties agreed on the necessity of working together in this regard. His Eminence the Mufti also explained the Sheikhdom’s specializations, powers, and work methods. In this regard, His Eminence Professor: Muhammad Belaoo provided a comprehensive explanation of Imam Foundation and its efforts in training and developing imams worldwide.

After completing this tour, the Foundation’s delegation visited the Al-Hidaya Educational Endowment, which is a large educational endowment that has good efforts in religious education and guidance. At the conclusion of the Foundation’s visit to the endowment, the two parties signed a cooperation agreement and a memorandum of understanding for the purpose of holding training courses and forums.