IMAM Training and Development holds various activities at Darul-Najat Institute in Bogor

As part of the activities of Imam Training and Development in Indonesia, a series of events took place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at Darul-Najat Institute in Bogor, by the grace of Allah. The activities began with Prof. Muhammad Ali Belaoo leading the dawn prayer at the institute's mosque. Afterward, he met with the worshippers, followed by a coordination meeting with the institute's administration. The director of the institute, Mr. Fajr Suryono, expressed his joy in hosting the Imam Foundation and conducting interactive activities within the institute. A comprehensive meeting was then held with the various departments of the institute.

Following the expanded meeting, Dr. Belaoo delivered a large interactive lecture to the institute's students on the pursuit of knowledge and its contemporary challenges, attended by more than 700 male and female students. The lecture was followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience. 

Dr. Belaoo expressed his admiration for the institute, the students' level of knowledge and manners, and praised the precise organization and warm reception by the institute's administrative body.

It is worth noting that Darul-Najat Institute is one of the most successful Islamic institutes in Indonesia, with numerous branches across different provinces.