Imam Foundation Organises the Cyprus Forum

Imam Foundation for Training and Development in Cyprus

The Imam Foundation for Training and Development, together with the World Islamic Call Society in Cyprus, organised a training activity for imams and preachers in Cyprus.

The event commenced with a Friday sermon at the Grand Mosque in the capital, Nicosia. Dr. Muhammad Ali Balaoo delivered the sermon about the challenges encountered by Muslim minorities living in the West and how to integrate positively with society. After the Friday prayer, a seminar was held on the "Foundational Framework for the Halal Monitoring Committee," presented by Dr. Adel Sabr, an international expert and consultant on food and halal matters.

On the second day, the Imam Foundation held a training course for imams and preachers in Cyprus. The course was held in the city of Larnaca under the title "Methodological Institutions for Dawah Work," led by Dr. Muhammad Ali Balou. The full-day course was attended by 32 imams and preachers.

The programme also included a series of social meetings with prominent members of the Muslim community on the island, in addition to official governmental meetings and discussions with some ambassadors of Muslim countries, all with the aim of strengthening the imam’s role in society and enhancing his ability.